Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope all the Mother's out there have a wonderful day! See why my Mom's the coolest Mom in the world.

Don't send a lame Mother's Day eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

Update: Pictures from today.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

NBC Fears Itself

NCB has a new series that starts June 5th called "Fear Itself". Each episode will be a one hour movie. See the preview above for more info. I'm a little worried that this won't be as good as say "Tales from the Crypt" because it's on regular cable. We'll just have to wait and see. C'mon NBC scare me!

Diggnation Live!

Diggnation had a live taping last night with a live audience. I wish I could have been there but at least I was able to watch thanks to Tekzilla's Veronica Belmont and It wasn't perfect due to networking issues, audio issues, and a major delay in the starting of the show, but it was fun nonetheless. Though the stream didn't last long - I think those of us in the chatroom killed their servers - it was fun while it lasted. Qik definitely got some free QA testing last night. Luckily Mooncricket over on was streaming the after party. Now that was fun! Those of us in the chatroom had a blast watching the likes of "Waldo" and "Tie Guy" (sorry had to be there). We even saw Moon himself get down. It was great! I hope there are plans to do more of these in the future. Isn't technology great?! Many thanks to Veronica and Moon for allowing us to be a part of the Diggnation experience.